The Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service within United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, and in partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support, has three hospital-based information centres at Lincoln County Hospital outpatient department, Pilgrim Hospital, Boston main reception and Grantham and District Hospital outpatient department.
The information centres provide a warm and friendly environment with bookable appointments. You are able to contact the service without being referred by your surgeon or doctor. The service is available whether they have a cancer diagnosis, need help and advice on behalf of a friend or relative, or are worried about cancer. Health and social care professionals can also use the centre as a resource for themselves or for information and support for their patients.
Our staff and trained volunteers are available to talk through issues and concerns. The centres hold booklets, leaflets, DVDs and other sources of information on all issues related to cancer and throughout any stage of the cancer journey. Additional information and signposting advice is available on financial support, work and practical issues, emotional effects, relationships and communication, support groups, travel, or if you are caring for someone with cancer. We provide this information in a variety of languages.
As well as bookable appointments the Macmillan Information Centre, also offers Video Consultation to help support patients. This is available for patients to ‘drop in’ between the hours of 9am and 3.30pm.
We offer a variety of support groups – please contact the service to find out more.
There are virtual wellbeing events available for men and women, please contact the centre for more details.
Lincoln: Monday to Thursday, 9am – 4pm, (01522) 573799
For disabled access information about this department, please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Boston: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9am – 4pm, (01205) 446392
For disabled access information about this department, please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Grantham: Tuesday and Thursday, 9am – 4pm, (01476) 464978
For disabled access information about this department, please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
Or email [email protected]
Out of hours you can still contact the Macmillan support line on 0808 808 00 00 or visit the Macmillan website.