When to take MOVIPREP
If your appointment is between 8.00 am and 1.00 pm
The day before the procedure
For your meals the day before the procedure choose only foods from the following list: Do not eat after 1.30 pm
- Milk, plain yoghurt, cheese, eggs, butter, margarine
- White fish or chicken – boiled, steamed or grilled (not fried)
- White bread (no seeds), pitta, rice, pasta
- Chapattis made with white flour
- Clear soups – no bits
- Plain ice cream (any flavour – no fruit or nut pieces)
- Clear jelly, boiled sweets, chocolate (no fruit or nut pieces)
- Salt, pepper, sugar, sweeteners, honey, marmite
Do not eat anything after 1.30 pm, but drink plenty of clear fluid from the following list: tea and coffee (with only a small amount of milk), herbal teas, water, squash, fizzy drinks, sports
drinks, meat extract drinks (e.g. Bovril or Oxo), vegetable bouillon, very clear soups (no bits) clear apple juice (no other fruit juice is permitted), clear jelly.
At 5.00 pm
Make up the first litre of Moviprep and drink it over one to two hours. See below for instructions on how to prepare Moviprep).
It is important to drink an additional 500ml of clear fluids during the evening (choose from the list above).
The day of the procedure
Do not eat anything solid until after the procedure.
At 5.00 am make up and drink the second litre of Moviprep over one to two hours. If your appointment is at 9.00am and you have a distance to travel you may wish to take this a little earlier (do not take before 3.00 am). It is important to drink an additional 500ml of clear fluids (from the list above) during the morning up to two hours before your appointment, then stop drinking until after the test.
Once again you will have watery bowel movements which will stop after one to two hours. Allow two hours for the Moviprep to work after finishing the second litre, before leaving for your
How to prepare MOVIPREP
Step 1
- Each box of Moviprep contains two sealed plastic bags.
- Each plastic bag contains one sachet marked A and one
sachet marked B. - Open one plastic bag and remove sachets A and B.
- Pour the contents of one sachet A and one sachet B into a jug. Adding lukewarm water make up to one litre and stir until the powder is completely dissolved and the solution is clear
or slightly hazy. Cordial may be added (not blackcurrant). If you wish, make up ahead of time and chill in the fridge. The reconstituted solution must be used within 24 hours. Some
people find it easier to drink it through a straw.
Step 2
- Drink one glassful (250ml) of the Moviprep every 15 to 30 minutes until you have drunk it all (taking about one to two hours).
- Take your time, there is no need to rush.
- You should also drink an additional 500ml of water or clear
fluids with each litre of Moviprep taken.
The solution will cause you to pass watery stools so you should stay near a toilet.
Take your usual medication (unless you have been advised to stop it) at least one hour before or after you take the bowel preparation. If you are taking the oral contraceptive pill you
should take other precautions for one week after the test.
When to take MOVIPREP
If your appointment is after 1.00 pm
The day before the procedure
For your meals the day before the procedure choose only foods
from the following list: Do not eat after 4.00 pm.
- Milk, plain yoghurt, cheese, eggs, butter, margarine
- White fish or chicken – boiled, steamed or grilled (not fried)
- White bread (no seeds), pitta, rice, pasta
- Chapattis made with white flour
- Clear soups – no bits
- Plain ice cream (any flavour – no fruit or nut pieces)
- Clear jelly, boiled sweets, chocolate (no fruit or nut pieces)
- Salt, pepper, sugar, sweeteners, honey, marmite.
Do not eat anything after 4.00 pm but drink plenty of clear fluid from the following list: tea and coffee (with only a small amount of milk), herbal teas, water, squash, fizzy drinks, sports
drinks, meat extract drinks (e.g. Bovril or Oxo), vegetable bouillon, very clear soups (no bits) clear apple juice (no other fruit juice is permitted), clear jelly.
At 6.00 pm
Make up the first litre of Moviprep and drink it over one to two hours, see below for instructions on how to prepare Moviprep.
It is important to drink an additional 500ml of clear fluids during the evening (choose from the list above). Do not eat
anything solid until after the procedure.
The day of the procedure
At 9.00 am make up and drink the second litre of Moviprep over one to two hours. If your appointment is early in the afternoon and you have a distance to travel, you may wish to take it a little earlier.
It is important to drink an additional 500ml of clear fluids during the morning (from the list opposite) up to two hours before your appointment, then stop drinking until after the test.
Once again you will have watery bowel movements which will stop after one to two hours. Allow two hours for the Moviprep to work after finishing the second litre, before leaving for your
How to prepare MOVIPREP
Step 1
- Each box of Moviprep contains two sealed plastic bags
- Each plastic bag contains one sachet marked A and one sachet marked B
- Open one plastic bag and remove sachets A and B
- Pour the contents of one sachet A and one sachet B into a jug. Adding lukewarm water make up to one litre and stir until the powder is completely dissolved and the solution is clear
or slightly hazy. Cordial may be added (not blackcurrant). If you wish, make up ahead of time and chill in the fridge. The reconstituted solution should be used within 24 hours. Some
people find it easier to drink through a straw.
Step 2
- Drink one glassful (250ml) of the Moviprep every 15 to 30 minutes until you have drunk it all (taking about one to two hours). Take your time, there is no need to rush.
- You should also drink an additional 500ml of water or clear fluids with each litre of Moviprep taken.
The solution will cause you to pass watery stools so you should stay near a toilet.
Take your usual medication (unless you have been advised to stop it) at least one hour before or after you take the bowel preparation. If you are taking the oral contraceptive pill you
should take other precautions for one week after the test.