Clinical neurophysiology referrals are accepted from Trustwide consultants, GPs and other external providers. A service is provided for both adults and paediatrics and to both inpatients and outpatients county wide.
Investigations are performed by both consultant clinical neurophysiologists and clinical physiologists and include:
- Electroencephalogram (EEG): Recording of the electrical activity of the brain including routine EEG’s, sleep deprived EEG’s, melatonin induced sleep EEG’s and 24/48hr ambulatory EEG’s
- Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS): Electrical signals of the nerves
- Electromyography (EMG): Electrical signals of the nerves and muscles
- Visual Evoked Potentials (VEP): Responses of the brain to a visual stimulus
- Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SSEP): Responses of the central and peripheral nervous system to electrical stimulation
For any further information on any of the above tests please visit the ANS website.
The Clinical Neurophysiology service is based at Lincoln County Hospital (LCH) and is located off the corridor leading to the Occupational Therapy Department, Level 2, Main Building.
Inpatient referrals need to be sent via e-referral along with a phone call to the department to discuss the request.
Contact details
Departmental Secretary: 01522 572379
Clinical Physiologists: 01522 597913