Across the Trust, we provide a comprehensive paediatric service for children ranging from 0 to 16 years of age, including:
- An emergency service with links to inpatient beds
- An elective and day case service
- A paediatric assessment unit
- A broad range of outpatient service with visiting specialist consultants
- Intermittent respite care for specific diseases
Acute children and young people’s services are located across the Trust including day case services at Boston, Grantham and Lincoln, outpatients at Boston, Lincoln, Louth, Gainsborough, Skegness and Spalding and Holbeach and inpatient services at Boston and Lincoln.
The team
Within the acute paediatric service in our hospitals there are nine whole time equivalent consultants and a range of supporting medical staff who, together with nursing staff, provide a broad spectrum of sub-specialty interests.
Visit our Twitter page for the latest updates on our service – @ULHTCYP
Lincoln County Hospital
A 24 hour paediatric service is run at Lincoln County Hospital.
A day case and emergency service is provided and all consultants are available for general paediatric referrals.
Pilgrim Hospital, Boston
A 24 hour Children’s Unit offering rapid assessment and discharge and senior decision-making.
Outpatient clinics, children’s elective surgery and a Consultant-led maternity birthing unit.
Grantham and District Hospital
The Kingfisher unit is open between 10am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
The unit provides an outpatient service only. Consultants may be from the children’s wards at Lincoln and Boston, community paediatricians and some visiting specialist doctors from other services and hospitals that provide care to children.
We are currently developing a children’s hub at Kingfisher which is an exciting new development. This will bring multiple children’s services under one roof provided by a number of different ages, meaning children and young people with complex problems can be seen in the one unit by a number of professionals instead of in different venues at different times. This will lead to Kingfisher becoming a very busy unit and seeing many children on a daily basis.
Children needing emergency care and review by a consultant paediatrician who have presented at the accident and emergency department will need to be transferred to Lincoln or Boston for this care. Transfer will only take place after review by an accident and emergency doctor or GP (based in the department) and a registered nurse. Very few children require this on a daily basis.
Having a blood test on Kingfisher Unit
Mental health services
Children and young people’s mental health services are provided by Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.