Although different aspects of cardiology are currently delivered across all three main hospital sites, ULHT cardiology is now one directorate. Our three main hospital sites at Lincoln, Boston and Grantham provide a comprehensive range of general cardiology outpatient and inpatient services including acute cardiac units and general cardiac beds.
Basic cardiac diagnostic investigations are also provided at all three sites. This includes trans-thoracic echocardiography (TTE), trans-oesophageal echocardiography (TOE), exercise treadmill testing (ETT), ambulatory cardiac rhythm and blood pressure monitoring and nuclear cardiology.
In addition to these core services the Trust also provides emergency procedures to those patients suffering an acute heart attack 24/7, 365 days a year. These are provided at two dedicated cardiac catheter laboratories located at the Lincolnshire Heart Centre based on the Lincoln County Hospital site. The heart centre also provides all invasive cardiac investigations and pacemaker implants for the county.
Grantham hospital currently provides a comprehensive cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) service for the county, as well as a limited cardiac CT service.
For disabled access information about the Lincolnshire Heart Centre at Lincoln County Hospital please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
For disabled access information about the cardiac short stay unit at Lincoln County Hospital please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.
For disabled access information about the acute cardiac unit at Pilgrim Hospital, Boston please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.