
These services are provided in a range of different places, including GP surgeries, district hospitals, in larger specialist hospitals and in patients’ own homes.

These services are provided in a range of different places, including GP surgeries, district hospitals, in larger specialist hospitals and in patients’ own homes.

United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (ULHT) has a range of specialist teams and local diagnostic and treatment teams. These teams comprise doctors from differing specialties – surgery, medicine, oncology (cancer treatment), radiology (X-ray), pathology (examination of specimens) and nurse specialists, administration support and other professionals such as dietitians in some teams.

ULHT has a comprehensive range of radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments at Lincoln County Hospital, with chemotherapy also provided at Pilgrim Hospital, Boston and Grantham and District Hospital. Inpatient and outpatient cancer care is provided across the Trust for some cancers and in certain areas for the more specialised cancers.

All patients diagnosed with cancer are reviewed by cancer teams to agree the most beneficial course of treatment and to plan future care. The team will provide patients with any information, guidance and support or provide details for further help; for example, The Macmillan Information and Support centres or local support groups. Good communication with doctors and nurses can help reduce fears about treatment.

Lincoln oncology centre

We are a dedicated and friendly department based at Lincoln County Hospital, committed to providing the best cancer treatment experience for the people of Lincolnshire.

We care for over 2,000 people per year and their family and carers, delivering high quality radiotherapy, chemotherapy and brachytherapy.

For disabled access information about the Lincoln oncology centre please see our AccessAble accessibility guide.

Oncology Assessment Unit

This is a six-seated area, which is open Monday-Friday from 8am to 6pm. The unit provides an accessible service for cancer patients having systematic anti-cancer therapy. It also offers telephone advice, signposts services and offers face-to-face assessment if required. It is based on the Waddington Unit at Lincoln County Hospital which is located on the first floor of the main hospital building, past the shop and left at the chapel. It is located at the end of the corridor on the left.

Visiting Times
No visiting hours are available at this time.

Get in touch
Telephone: (01522) 307841.

Please use the links below to find out further information about our services, available facilities, and what to expect during treatment.

Cancer drug treatments
Acute oncology service

Patient information

Hair Loss Service and Wig Voucher