Audiologists support the ear nose and throat (ENT) clinicians by testing patients’ hearing during clinics, they also perform diagnostic tests requested by medical staff such as investigations of balance function and complex hearing tests. We also fit hearing aids to adults and children and provide long term support and advice to hearing users.
Audiologists take direct referrals from family doctors to assess patients who may need a hearing aid. If a need for a hearing aid is required they will fit this and provide any advice and maintenance of the hearing aid in the future. Audiologists can also provide advice on environmental aids such as special phones and loop systems. Once a patient has been fitted with a hearing aid they can refer themselves back to the audiology service as required.
Specialist audiologists offer a tinnitus counselling service and balance rehabilitation when requested by an ENT doctor.
Our paediatric audiologist and team have specialist skills in assessing the hearing of small children. They also fit hearing aids for babies and children who are found to need one. The paediatric audiologist works closely with the universal neonatal screening service, specialist teachers of sensory impaired children, and community paediatricians to provide a family friendly service. The paediatric team also has close links with the children’s hearing assessment centre in Nottingham where children may be referred for cochlear implants.
Paediatric services are provided at Pilgrim Hospital, Boston and Lincoln County Hospital, although older children can be seen for new ear moulds and repairs at other sites.
Adult hearing aids
Adult hearing aid services are provided on the following sites:
- Pilgrim Hospital, Boston – ENT suite Outpatients
- Lincoln County Hospital – Clinic 6 Outpatients
- Grantham and District Hospital
- John Coupland Hospital, Gainsborough
For an appointment at any of the above ring (01522) 573254.