Welcome to the Care Partner Hub

The ULTH Care Partner Hub is located on the 6th floor at Pilgrim Hospital, Boston and has been developed with funding from the ULTH Charity.

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Working in a partnership with Carers First, the hub provides a focal point for unpaid care partners to get information and support they need.

The Care Partner Hub is staffed by trained ULTH volunteers and Carers First volunteers to provide support in a safe and confidential setting.

Caring for someone is a huge responsibility and our aim is to support Care Partners to find services and local resources they need, such as:

  • Information, advice, practical or emotional support for adult and Young Care Partners
  • Issue Care Partner badges
  • Liaise with hospital staff if you have any queries about the treatment of the person you care for, or around discharge arrangements
  • Assist with organising Carers Assessments and support
  • Supporting Care Partners who are caring for someone at the end of their life and those who have been bereaved
  • Peer support for Care Partners
  • Supporting Care Partners of people with Dementia
  • Carers Awareness Training for Professionals
  • Signposting staff who are Care Partners to the Staff Carer Network. If you are visiting the hospital or attending an outpatient appointment with the person you care for, then pop in and say hello

The Care Partner Hub is open from Tuesday to Thursday, excluding Bank Holidays, from 12 noon to 4 pm.

The hub is run by volunteers and there may be times when they are not available or with someone; you can however call and leave a message on 01205 445093 or email [email protected] at any time.

Who is a Care Partner?

A Care Partner is a carer; anyone, including a child, who looks after a family member, partner or friend. They give unpaid care to those close to them who cannot cope on their own because of illness, frailty, disability, mental health difficulties or problems with addiction.

As a Trust, we recognise the vital role that Care Partners play in the health and wellbeing of those they care for. Care Partners have a right, but not a duty, to continue to care whilst the person they care for is in hospital.

Having a loved one in hospital can be a distressing time for a carer, particularly young carers, so we want to do all we can to ensure carers are involved and supported at our hospital.

ULTH Care Partner Charter

All Care Partners will be given information and support

This means we will:

  • Be involved in planning and agreeing the care plan for the person for whom you care
  • Include you in discharge planning and provide information regarding care and medication
  • Signpost you to relevant information and advice and enable you to get help from the carer support services
  • Take a ‘whole family’ approach to supporting the Care Partner, recognising the needs of Young Care Partners
  • Support our staff who have caring responsibilities

All Care Partners will be identified at point of contact

This means we will:

  • Identify any Care Partners as part of the admission process
  • Ensure we inform you about our Care Partner badges

All Care Partners will be treated as an equal and expert partner

This means we will:

  • Respect your role as an expert in the care and support of the person who uses our services
  • Respect Care Partner and patient confidentiality and work with you to overcome barriers to giving support and sharing information

All Care Partners will be listened to

This means we will:

  • Listen to what you say and communicate clearly with you

Staff will understand the role of a Care Partner

This means we will:

  • Ensure all our staff can identify Care Partners and recognise their role as expert partners
  • Enable our staff to respond quickly and flexibly
  • Involve our staff in developing information, support and other services for carers
  • Involve carers in training our staff.

Please speak to the ward/department staff who will issue you with a badge and a Care Partner agreement.

Lincolnshire Carers Service

The Lincolnshire customer service centre is the central point of access for this service:

Telephone: 01522 782224

Email: [email protected]

To find out more about Carers FIRST visit www.carersfirst.org.uk

Young Carers

For more information please contact Lincolnshire Young Carers Service:

Telephone: 01522 553275

Email: [email protected]

Care Partner Badge

The badge recognises that as a carer you should be considered as an expert and equal partner and we need to work with you to achieve this.

Having a ULTH Care Partner badge on means you will be visible and recognised for the incredibly important role you play.

You will be allowed free visiting on the ward and we will work with you to agree the level of input you want to retain during the hospital stay and not make assumptions or take advantage of you!