Same day emergency care
What is Same Day Emergency Care?
SDEC is an emergency medical service that provides an alternative to Accident & Emergency care or hospital admission. This allows patients to be assessed, diagnosed and treated within the hospital environment without being admitted to hospital for an overnight stay. Our aim is to provide a safe and efficient alternative to an inpatient stay.
We offer a range of different services such as:
- Access to diagnostic investigations
- Outpatient antimicrobial therapy (OPAT)
- Therapy Provision g. blood transfusion
- Follow up appointments
- Medical specialty review
The SDEC pathway:
We do not offer set appointment times and patients are usually seen in order of arrival, however, if a different specialty opinion is needed there may be a delay. We aim to keep delays to a minimum but please bear in mind that sicker patients may need to be prioritised and during busy periods you may have to wait longer.
Before you arrive you will have been referred by a healthcare professional. We will be aware of your arrival and will allocate an appropriate space, pending availability.
On arrival you will be greeted by a member of staff who will introduce themselves and explain the unit facilities; light refreshments are available. You will also be given an indication of what to expect on the unit and a time frame for your stay (this is an estimated guide).
Initial assessment will be undertaken by an Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) or Doctor, who will ask about your symptoms and your medical and social history. We will check what medications you take and you will be examined.
Investigations may be arranged to help decide what, if any, treatment you need. These may include blood tests, x-rays or further scans. We will inform you about these but it can take some hours for these to be scheduled, completed and for the results to be reported.
Treatment plans can be made once the results of your tests are available. A Senior Doctor or ACP will review your care and agree a treatment plan with you. This may begin on the unit and continue either at your place of residence or, occasionally, within the hospital.
Going home is possible for the majority of patients once care is complete. You may need to wait for your discharge document and a prescription. However, occasionally patients need further treatment within a ward environment. The staff will inform you of the next step at this point.
After discharge we may ask you to return another day for continued treatment or review. If we have requested further outpatient tests we may telephone or write to you with results. Please make sure you update us with any change in telephone numbers, address or GP.
Your GP will be kept informed electronically. If you have any questions after discharge you can call the unit. If your condition worsens please call your GP or attend A&E as appropriate.
We allow a maximum of two visitors (one at a time) to visit you. If you wish to go to the coffee shop or restaurant with your visitor, please let the nurse know and leave a mobile phone number.
If you have a Care Partner – someone who cares for you and is unpaid due to an illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and you cannot cope without their support, they will be welcomed to be with you at any time.
Finding SDEC:
SDEC is clearly signposted at Pilgrim and Lincoln. Please follow the signs and ring the bell when you arrive. If you need assistance please ask at Main Reception or ask any staff member.
At Grantham it is known as the Ambulatory Assessment Unit (AAU). AAU is located on corridor D.
Transport and Parking Arrangements:
Please visit for details of public transport services, parking arrangements and charges.
Department: SDEC
Site: Pilgrim – 01205 445609
Lincoln – 01522 707085
Department: Ambulatory Assessment Unit
Site: Grantham – 01476 464888