Safeguarding Children and Young People – A Guide for Families

The Children’s Acts of 1989 and 2004 place a duty on all Healthcare staff to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.

Safeguarding Children and Young People – A Guide for Families

The Children’s Acts of 1989 and 2004 place a duty on all Healthcare staff to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.

At United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust we believe that all children have the right to grow up in a safe environment and as such, all staff must do all they can to ensure that children are kept safe – in their homes, at school, in hospital and in the wider community.

Therefore, if a staff member is worried about the care or welfare of a child or young person, they must follow the policy and procedures designed to promote safeguarding.

Sharing of information:

There is an absolute duty to share information with Social Care when there are concerns that:

  • There are unexplained injuries or other concerns of safety
  • There are worries that a child or young person is being abused, neglected or put at risk of harm

A Social Worker/Police Officer may contact you to discuss what will happen next. If it is felt that your child has not been harmed but they, or your family, would benefit from additional support, arrangements will be made to initiate this with you.

What sort of information will the Nurse/Doctor share?

We are required to share all concerns about your child (or any other children in the family/home) along with any additional relevant information.

We want to assure you that we only share information about your child with other professionals who work with children and who are relevant to your child’s case. The amount and type of information shared will depend on the level of concern.

We will always try to gain your/your child’s permission to share information about your child; however, information can be shared without consent if someone is being harmed or may be harmed in the future; or if the information may help to stop or solve a crime.

Working in partnership with you to safeguard your child

We always try to work in partnership with parents/carers and to offer proportionate help and support at this very worrying and stressful time. It is advisable to co-operate with all those involved in supporting the best interests of your child.

What will happen?

The Healthcare Professionals involved with your child will discuss their concerns with you, unless they believe this would further endanger the safety of your child. They will also discuss any medical investigations needed and ask for your consent, or your child’s consent, if they are considered competent. Such medical investigations might include:

  • Full examination of your child and gathering a history of any medical conditions or mechanisms of injury
  • Blood samples to exclude any underlying medical problems
  • X-Ray of one or more of your child’s bones
  • Specialist scanning of your child’s head and brain
  • Examination of your child’s eyes
  • Photographs

Very careful consideration is given to the investigations required and they are only performed in your child’s best interests.

Your Child’s Rights

  • To be heard
  • To have their views and feelings considered
  • To have an appropriate level of confidentiality
  • To be protected and supported
  • To be kept involved and informed, according to their age and level of understanding
  • To ask for explanations and to complain
  • To consent/refuse to consent for medical examination if they fully understand what is involved
  • To have an interpreter, if required.

Your Rights as a Parent/Carer

  • To be heard
  • To be informed and involved
  • To be supported
  • To ask for explanations
  • To have an appropriate level of confidentiality
  • To seek legal advice and complain
  • To have an interpreter, if required.

Data Protection

As with all of our patients, all information about your child/family that is relevant to the diagnosis and treatment of your child will be stored in written and computerised records. As stated before, in the interests of your child’s care and treatment, we may have to share some of this information with people in other Organisations.

Who do I speak to if I need further information?

  • Medical care and investigations – please ask to speak to the Paediatric Consultant in charge of your child’s care.
  • Child Protection Process – please ask to speak to the Social Worker allocated to your child’s care.
  • Other concerns: If you have any concerns about hospital care, you can contact the Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for the site:

Grantham         01476 464861

Lincoln             01522 707071

Boston              01205 446243 – or you can email [email protected]

You can ask to see a copy of the Trust’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People – please ask a member of the Nursing staff to obtain this for you.

The following website might also provide some useful information:

Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership:

Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership – About the LSCP – Lincolnshire County Council

Other Useful Contacts:

Citizen’s Advice Bureau – to find your nearest CAB, visit

  • NSPCC – 0808 800 5000
  • ChildLine – 0800 111

Safeguarding Children Team

Telephone: 01522 573831