The aim of this patient information is to explain the procedures that will occur for your seed brachytherapy. The process at Lincoln involves two appointments, 4 weeks apart. The ultrasound appointment you have had today and the seed placement decided at the appointment.
At the seed placement appointment the radioactive seeds are placed into the prostate and this is carried out under anaesthetic. You will attend as an outpatient on the day of your procedure in Oncology and discharged later that day after the implant. There is a possibility you may need to stay overnight so please bring an overnight bag with you. You will also be given some medications to take prior to the actual seed implant.
Seed insertion (implant) preparations
- Follow the gas reducing diet for a minimum of 3 days before attending for the seed implant appointment.
- You will be given 3 antibiotic tablets called Ciprofloxacin at your brachytherapy assessment. Take one on Sunday evening (the day before the seed implant), one on Monday morning (day of the implant) and one on Monday evening.
- You will have also been given Tamsulosin, which helps with urination. Start this 7 days before your implant and finish the course given to you, or as directed by your oncologist.
- Please take 2 paracetamol before your procedure, this can help with the discomfort after the procedure.
For a morning appointment (up until midday):
Do not eat after midnight (Sunday before brachytherapy on the Monday). This does include sweets, mints and chewing gum but please have a light snack before this deadline. Plain water can be drunk until 6:00am. Take your usual medication with the water unless told otherwise.
For an afternoon appointment (after midday):
Do not eat after 6:00am on the morning of the procedure, this does include sweets, mints and chewing gum but please have a light snack before this deadline. Plain water can be drunk up to 10:00am. Take your usual medication with the water unless told otherwise.
Some medications such as Aspirin, Persantin/Dipyridamole, Clopidogrel and any form of Heparin or other blood thinning/anti-coagulant drugs must be stopped for a period of time before the procedure. We will discuss this at the brachytherapy assessment.
If you take Warfarin it should be stopped 10 days before the seed implant and your INR checked one week after stopping. If greater than 1.2 please inform us.
It is very important that you restart all of those medications once the implant has been done, unless told otherwise. If you are unsure about any of your other medications please discuss them with a radiographer.
You will need to use an enema before this appointment, even if you have already opened your bowels that day.
You do not need a full bladder.
The seeds will be placed into the prostate gland under general anaesthetic and the overall procedure time is 2 to 3 hours.
Once the procedure is complete you will be taken to theatre recovery to be monitored. Once awake you will be taken back to Waddington Ward.
You must not drive for 48 hours after the anaesthetic.
After the procedure
4 to 6 weeks later you will have an appointment for a CT scan and MRI. This is just to identify the seeds and calculate the dose given at seed implant. You will also receive a follow-up appointment with the consultant.
Contact: Advanced Practitioners Radiographers Brachytherapy 01522 572243.
Radiotherapy Department
Lincoln County Hospital