Hello, we would like to introduce ourselves
We are the Macmillan Oncology Transitional Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) and Cancer Care Coordinator (CCC) specialising in transitional care.
Transitional care is support offered when you have a cancer that we are not looking to cure. This is often called palliative care or supportive care. This means helping you to have a good quality of life, including being as well and active as possible.
We know that you may have many anxieties and questions if you have been told that your cancer cannot be cured. Our role is to act as someone you can contact for information, support and guidance about your concerns. When we first talk we will:
- Try to answer your questions and help you understand your care choices.
- Talk through issues concerning your quality of life. This is sometimes called an holistic needs assessment (HNA) and we can provide you with a written version of this.
- Give you advice on managing any symptoms you may have.
- Provide you with information about any other services you might benefit from. For example, community nurses, financial advisors, patient support groups, psychological support and palliative care teams.
We will make contact with you to arrange an initial assessment. This can be carried out face to face, over the phone or by video call, depending on what you prefer.
We would like you to be treated with compassion and dignity and it is important to us that you receive the best care and support possible. You are welcome to ask your doctors and nurses any questions you have about your care.
If there is anything that you think we can help you with in the meantime, or if you want any further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Contacting your Transitional nurse and care coordinator
Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm
Transitional Breast CNS: 07355 036218
Transitional Colorectal CNS: 07355 036326
Transitional Urology CNS: 07355 036067
Macmillan Transitional Oncology CNS: 07880 108565
Cancer Care Coordinator for Breast and Urology 07716 080475
Cancer Care Coordinator for Breast and Colorectal 07716 080445
Macmillan Cancer Care Coordinator 07785 556083
Please note: we do not work weekends or Bank Holidays.
If you need help or advice at other times, you can contact your GP or the Out of Hours Service.
For hospital or oncology enquiries, you can contact your oncologist’s secretary. This number can be given to you by switchboard on 01522 512512.
For community palliative support you can call the palliative care co-ordination centre on 0300 123 4868; remember to press option 9 when presented with options. This is a 24 hours a day 7 days a week service.