What is the scan for?
The scan takes a detailed look at your heart and also checks for any reduction in blood supply to areas of the heart muscle.
Before your scan
YOU MUST AVOID CAFFEINE FOR 12 HOURS PRIOR TO YOUR APPOINTMENT as this may prevent you from having the scan.
This includes coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate and cola products.
Please telephone us if you are currently taking:
Persantin/Dipyridamole, Theophylline, Aminophylline, Phyllocontin or Continuous Uniphyllin.
If you have ASTHMA, please telephone us BEFORE the scan with a list of your medications as this may affect the test.
Please make sure any nail varnish or false nails are removed prior to the scan as it may interfere with our monitoring equipment during your scan.
What does the scan involve?
You will be asked to change into a gown. An ECG will be taken and a small needle will be put into a vein in each arm and then made comfortable on the scanner couch.
Your blood pressure and pulse will also be taken regularly during the scan. You will be asked to hold your breath repeatedly for about 5 to 15 seconds.
During the test your heart will be exercised or ‘stressed’. A drug called Adenosine, Regadenoson or Dobutamine will be injected for a short portion of the scan and will increase your heart rate temporarily.
All these drugs are commonly used – you may have had a test that has used them already.
Occasionally there may be side effects. These may include tingling, flushing, headache, heart rhythm disturbances, chest pain, nausea and allergic type reactions.
These side effects only last for a short time. You will be monitored by a doctor throughout the scan who will stop the procedure immediately if you develop any heart tracing changes, unpleasant side effects or at your request.
The noise of the scanner changes as we take different pictures – this is normal. You will be given headphones or earplugs to suppress the noise.
Some people may be worried about claustrophobia while being in the scanner but we can talk to you at all times via headphones.
If you are wearing a medicinal patch, please bring a replacement as this will most likely need to be removed.
The MRI scan is very noisy and you will need to keep very still; the scan takes around 1 to 1¼ hours. If you think you are claustrophobic, please inform us before your appointment.
Having an MRI can make you feel warm. A heating effect has been reported with MR imaging. On very rare occasions this may result in patients receiving a burn. Protocols and procedures are in place to minimise this risk. If you get too hot or it becomes intense, please inform staff.
After the scan
You may eat and drink normally afterwards.
Scan Results
The radiographers and doctor who carry out your scan cannot give you any results. These will be sent to the consultant who referred you for the scan.
Once the report of the scan has been received by your consultant, they will send you another appointment to discuss the results.
We wish to provide a high quality service and welcome any comments that would help us to make improvements.
If you wish to change your appointment, please call us on the number below before the day of your appointment.
Due to the strong magnetic field not everyone is suitable for an MRI scan.
Before your appointment checks will need to be made to see if any of the following apply:
Do you have or have you ever had?
- A cardiac pacemaker or cardioverter defibrillator
- A prosthetic heart valve
- A neurostimulator
- Aneurysm clips
- Embolisation coils, or a shunt
- Stents or filters in a blood vessel
- An ear implant
- An implantable pump
- A gastric band, or ‘pill cam’
- Subdermal or microdermal piercings
- Metal fragments in your eye or elsewhere
- Or think you may be pregnant or are breastfeeding.
If you have answered YES to any of the above, please telephone the MRI unit before your appointment date.
Please note we have no facility to supervise children whilst you are being scanned.
For more information please telephone 01476 464880 or see the ULHT website, or ask a member of staff.
By public transport
As there is limited parking on site we encourage our staff, patients and visitors to use public transport where possible. The Lincolnshire Transport Helpline provides information and advice on a wide range of transport options including community car schemes and Callconnect.
The Transport Helpline provides advice but is not a transport booking line:
0345 4564474.
Callconnect is an on-demand bus service that is paid for by the customer. If someone has a concessionary bus pass due to age or disability then they can access Callconnect free of charge. Callconnect Lincolnshire 0345 2343344 and Call connect Bourne, Stamford and Peterborough 0345 2638153.
Travelling by bus
You can use
More information can be found at: LincsBus
Traveline – Telephone: 0871 200 223
Lincolnshire County Council – Telephone: 01522 552222
The address is:
Grantham & District Hospital, Manthorpe Road, Grantham NG34 8DG
There is ample parking available.
Patient transport
If you have a medical condition that genuinely prevents you from using public or your own transport, you may be eligible for patient transport.
East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) run the non-emergency patient transport service (NEPTS) in Lincolnshire after they were awarded a 10-year contract by NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group.
Please contact EMAS NEPTS booking line on 0300 300 3434. Bookings can only be arranged no more than 7 days before the actual appointment day. Please visit the EMAS website to learn more information.
If you have any questions regarding this patient information please ring the MRI Department on 01476 464880.
MRI appointment Office
Telephone: 01476 464880
Office open Monday to Friday
9.00am to 5.00pm