Advice following skin graft surgery

You will have two wounds, the site of the original lesion and the site where the skin graft was taken from (donor site).

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How to look after the wound following a skin graft

You will have two wounds, the site of the original lesion and the site where the skin graft was taken from (donor site).

When can I shower?

Do not get the dressing wet so no showering or bathing. Keep the dressing dry and in place as advised until you return to Dermatology in one week’s time.

Will the wound be painful?

Your wound/s may be tender for an hour or two after the excision when the effects of the local anaesthetic wear off. We advise you to take Paracetamol regularly according to manufacturer’s instructions.

What do I do if my wound starts to bleed when I get home?

It is common for the wound to ooze a little blood or fluid especially during the first 24 hours after surgery.

If the graft is on your leg or arm you need to elevate and put firm pressure with a clean towel for 20 minutes (without removing the original dressing).  If it is still bleeding after this time contact your nearest Accident and Emergency Department or 999.

What about exercise/sports?

Skin grafts are very fragile and great care must be taken when looking after them.  Avoid strenuous activity and stretching of the area until the staples are removed and for some time afterwards.

Where do I have my staples removed?

You will have been given a letter to return to Dermatology in a week’s time to see the Specialist Nurse. Please keep your dressing on until you have your wound checked in Dermatology.

What should I do if I think my wound is infected?

If the wound shows signs of infection ie hot to the touch, red, leaking any fluid then please consult your doctor as an antibiotic may be needed and kindly let the Dermatology department know on the number given below.

Department:  Dermatology Suite

Site:  Lincoln County Hospital

Telephone:  01522 573712

Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5.00pm