- 1 Accident and Emergency
- 2 Acute Medicine
- 3 Audiology
- 4 Breast Services
- 5 Blood Transfusion
- 6 Bowel Cancer Screening
- 7 Cancer Services
- 8 Cardiology
- 9 Colorectal
- 10 Community Paediatrics
- 11 Complaints
- 12 Critical Care
- 13 Dermatology
- 14 Diabetes
- 15 Dietetics
- 16 Discharge
- 17 Ear, nose and throat
- 18 Endoscopy
- 19 Falls Prevention
- 20 Gastrointestinal
- 21 General
- 22 Gynaecology
- 23 Haematology
- 24 Head and neck
- 25 Health care of older people
- 26 Infection Prevention and Control
- 27 Macmillan
- 28 Maternity
- 29 Medical Examiner Service
- 30 Neonatal services
- 31 Neurology
- 32 Nuclear medicine
- 33 Ophthalmology
- 34 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- 35 Orthopaedics
- 36 Outpatients
- 37 Patient Advice and Liaison Service
- 38 Patient Experience
- 39 Patient Safety
- 40 Pharmacy
- 41 Phlebotomy
- 42 Physiotherapy
- 43 Radiology
- 44 Rehabilitation Medicine
- 45 Respiratory Medicine
- 46 Safeguarding
- 47 Specialist Family Practitioners Oncology, Palliative and Bereavement Team
- 48 Surgery
- 49 Theatres and Critical Care
- 50 Urology
Welcome to the patient information library. We are currently in the process of reviewing and re-publishing all of our patient information leaflets, which means they may not all be available below at this time. If you cannot find the information you are looking for please contact our Patient Experience Team via email at [email protected]
Accident and Emergency
- Same Day Emergency Care Leaflet
- Going to the Accident and Emergency Department (Easy Read)
- Intravenous Iron Infusion
- MySelfCare leaflets
Acute Medicine
- Brandt-Daroff Exercises
- Semont Manouvre
- Vestibular Triage Clinic
- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
- Vestibular Rehabilitation Cawthorne-Cooksie Exercises
- Glue Ear
Breast Services
- Breast Assessment Clinic
- Physiotherapy exercises for breast pain with chest wall musculoskeletal symptoms (The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust)
Blood Transfusion
Bowel Cancer Screening
Cancer Services
- Coronary Angiogram-Angioplasty – Radial Approach Post Procedure Care
- Coronary Angiogram-Angioplasty – Femoral Approach Post Procedure Care
- Coronary Angiogram-Angioplasty – AngioSeal Closure Device
- Permanent Pacemaker Pulse Generator Change
- Patient Initiated Follow up (PIFU) – Cardiology
- Inserting a Pacemaker
- Cardiac Stress Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Community Paediatrics
- Autism Spectrum Disorder – Diagnostic Assessment in Children
- Epilepsy and seizure management in children and young people
- Community Nursing Service for Children with Learning Disabilities
- Community Children’s Nursing Service Information for Families and Referring Professionals
- Specialist Nurse for Children and Young People with Autism-suspected Autism
- Ordering Medical Supplies for your Child in the Community
- How to use the Aerochamber
- Advice on where to get repeat prescriptions for children on ADHD medication
Critical Care
Ear, nose and throat
- Welcome to the Endoscopy unit
- How to take your bowel preparation
- Transnasal Endoscopy
- Colonic Polyps: Information after polypectomy
- Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography (ERCP)
- Therapeutic Gastroscopy OesophagoGastroDuodenoscopy and dilatation
- Colonoscopy Information Leaflet
- Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Information
- Gastroscopy – The Procedure Explained
- Inpatient Gastroscopy
- Colonic Polyps
- Information regarding large or complex polypectomy during colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy
- What is a PEG?
Falls Prevention
- Upper gastrointestinal multidisciplinary team Lincoln
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Functional Bowel Disease Service Hydrogen Methane Breath Test
- Giving consent (Easy Read)
- Tell us about your Hospital Stay (Easy Read)
- Staying in hospital (Easy Read)
- Leaving hospital (Easy Read)
- Having a Pre-operation assessment (Easy Read)
- Having a general anaesthetic (Easy Read)
- Emergency Gynaecology Assessment Unit
- Colposcopy Aftercare Information
- Reviewing your cervical screening history
- Colposcopy Multi-Disciplinary Team
- Early Medical Termination at Home
- LINC Support
- Post Miscarriage Pregnancy Testing
- Conservative management of cervical intraepithelia neoplasia grade 2
- Extravasation
- Nurse led Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance telephone clinic
- Lung Cancer Team – Pilgrim Hospital
- Radioactive Iodine Ablation Therapy
- Desmopressin DDAVP treatment
- Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialist Service for Brain and Central Nervous System Tumours
- Radiotherapy – Temozolomide Information for Grade 3 to 4 Glioma – Astrocytoma – Glioblastoma
- Administering subcutaneous Cytarabine at home
- Taking Dexamethasone when you have a brain tumour
- Seizures (fits) and brain tumours
- Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism and Brain Tumours
- Gynaecological Brachytherapy (Internal Radiotherapy) – Endometrium
- Gynaecological Brachytherapy (Internal Radiotherapy) – Cervix
- Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapies and Eating
- Prostate Seed Brachytherapy Pre-op Preparations
- Specialist Family Practitioners Oncology, Palliative and Bereavement Team
- Oncology Transition Service
- Suspected Lung Cancer Pathway
- Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialist Service
- Personalised Care in Cancer
- Scalp Cooling – a guide for patients
Head and neck
Health care of older people
Infection Prevention and Control
- Carbapenemase Producing Enterobacterales information
- Isolation Precautions
- Clostridioides difficile Glutamate Dehydrogenase positive – Toxin negative
- Influenza
- Norovirus
- Looking After Your Cannula
- Penicillin Allergies and Sensitivities: a Guide for Patients Staying in Hospital
- Macmillan Oncology Transition Service
- Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialist Service for Brain and Central Nervous System Tumours
- Radiotherapy – Temozolomide Information for Grade 3 to 4 Glioma – Astrocytoma – Glioblastoma
- Antenatal hand expression
- Antenatal Toolkit – midwife resource
- Antenatal Toolkit – parent resource
- Iron Infusion in pregnancy
- Low iron levels in your blood during pregnancy
- Mothers Breastfeeding Checklist
- Maternity Tobacco Dependence Service
- Sepsis – understanding serious infection in pregnancy and after birth
- Fear of Childbirth
- Choosing to have your first baby birth at home
- Choosing home birth if you have had a baby before
- Foley Balloon Catheter Induction of Labour
- Large for Gestational Age
- Pre-labour Rupture of Membranes at Term
- Baby information for mothers who take medication to support their mental health in pregnancy
- Low Dose Aspirin 75 to 150mg in Pregnancy
- Vitamin K and Your New Baby
- Fit for the Future – essential advice and exercises following childbirth
Medical Examiner Service
Neonatal services
- Adult Electroencephalogram tests in the Clinical Neurophysiology Department
- Adult Sleep Deprived Electroencephalogram tests in the Clinical Neurophysiology Department
- Childrens Electroencephalogram tests in the Clinical Neurophysiology Department
- Children’s Melatonin Assisted Sleep Electroencephalogram on Safari Ward Lincoln County Hospital
- Children’s Sleep Deprived Electroencephalogram tests in the Clinical Neurophysiology Department
- Nerve Conduction Studies Electromyography tests in the Clinical Neurophysiology Department
- Somato-Sensory Evoked Potential tests in the Clinical Neurophysiology Department
- Nerve Conduction Studies tests in the Clinical Neurophysiology Department
- Visual Evoked Response tests in the Clinical Neurophysiology Department
- Ambulatory Electroencephalogram tests in the Clinical Neurophysiology Department
- Your Local Adult Epilepsy Nursing Service
Nuclear medicine
- Your Bone Scan explained
- Your Renogram explained
- Your Cystogram explained
- Your Meckels Scan explained
- Your Biliary Scan explained
- Your GI Tract Scan explained
- Your Heart Scan Explained
- Your Lung Perfusion Scan explained
- Your Differential Lung Function Scan explained
- Your lung VQ scan explained
- Your MUGA Scan explained
- Your Parathyroid Scan Explained
- Your SeHCAT study explained
- Paediatric DMSA (Dimercaptosuccinic acid) Kidney Scan
- Your Tektrotyd Scan explained
- Your Sentinel Lymph Node Procedure explained
- Your Liver and Spleen Scan explained
- Your Radioiodine Therapy for Hyperthyroidism Explained
- Minus-Lens Therapy
- Children’s Low Vision Clinic
- Dacrocystorhinostomy
- How to carry out your dot card exercises
- Children’s Glasses
- Adult Squint Surgery with Adjustable Sutures
- Convergence Insufficiency
- How to do smooth convergence exercises
- How to do stereogram exercises – near and distance
- Correcting a Squint (adult) leaflet
- Correcting a Squint (child) leaflet
- Botulinum A Toxin Injection for Blepharospasm and Hemifacial Spasm
- Two stage surgery for the removal of eyelid lumps
- Eye Removal Surgery
- Eyelid Surgery – what to expect
- Dilating Eye Drops for Children and Babies
- Squint, Lazy Eye and Glasses
- Amblyopia (lazy eye) – Information for parents
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Flat Feet in Children – Information for Parents
- Intoeing in Children – Information for Parents
- Bow Legs and Knock Knees in Children – Information for Parents
- Pin site care
- Toe walking in children
- Relieving Heel Pressure whilst in a Cast
- Information whilst attending hospital for assessment in the virtual fracture clinic
- Anorectal Manometry
- Patient Initiated Follow up (PIFU)
- Temporomandibular joint Information and advice for patients
Patient Advice and Liaison Service
Patient Experience
Patient Safety
- Musculoskeletal Injection Therapy
- Aquatic Physiotherapy
- Coping with Breathlessness
- Knee exercises
- Total Knee Replacement Exercises
- Total Hip Replacement Exercises
- CT Colonogram
- Deep (inpatient) percutaneous image guided biopsy
- CT Colonogram Aftercare
- Superficial (outpatient) Ultrasound Guided Percutaneous Biopsy
- Insertion of an inferior vena cava filter placement
- varicolele embolisation
- Fistulogram, fistuloplasty and venoplasty
- MRI Enterography small bowel scan
- MRI Arthrogram
- Having a CT Scan (Easy Read)
- Having a MRI (Easy Read)
- Having an X Ray (Easy Read)
- Having an Ultrasound Scan (Easy Read)
- Fine Needle Aspiration
- Information about your CT Scan
- Antegrade ureteric stent insertion
- Oesophageal stent insertion
- Percutaneous nephrostomy
- Radiologically inserted gastrostomy
- Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram drainage and stent
- Image guided percutaneous drainage
- Angiogram and angioplasty (including stent insertion)
- Radiotherapy for rectal cancer or cancer of the anal canal
Rehabilitation Medicine
Respiratory Medicine
- Lung Clinical Nurse Specialist Lincoln
- What is a Flexible Bronchoscopy?
- Pulmonary Nodule
- Information for patients attending for lung function tests
- Information for patients attending for lung function tests with bronchodilator response (reversibility)
- Information for patients attending for a bronchial-challenge test (mannitol challenge test)
- Domestic Abuse
- Consent for Children and Young People Transitioning to Adult Services
- Useful information for patients who are homeless in Lincoln
- Useful information for patients who are homeless in Grantham
- Useful information for patients who are homeless in Boston
- Safeguarding Children and Young People – A Guide for Families
Specialist Family Practitioners Oncology, Palliative and Bereavement Team
- General Anaesthetic
- Spinal Anaesthetic
- How to use your methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) screen postal kit
- Minor skin surgery under local anaesthetic