Volunteers urgently needed for valuable hospital coffee shops

Volunteers are being sought to help keep two popular hospital coffee shops up and running.

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Volunteers are being sought to help keep two popular hospital coffee shops up and running.

The coffee bars in the oncology and maternity reception areas at Lincoln County Hospital are both busy cafes providing a valuable service to patients using these areas.

Both coffee shops are staffed entirely by volunteers, but at the moment have a shortage of staff.

United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust is appealing for volunteers to come forward and help support these valuable facilities.

Both coffee shops are open from 9am  to 4pm Monday to Friday and both morning (8.30am to 12.30pm) and afternoon (12.30pm to 4.30pm) shifts are available.

Voluntary Services Manager at ULHT, Andrew Tysoe, said: “Our volunteers do a brilliant job in staffing these coffee shops, and staff and patients who use them are so grateful for what they do.

“We are looking for volunteers who would be happy to serve hot and cold drinks and snacks and have a friendly nature. We are happy to offer shifts to suit the individual on any day of the week.

“Ongoing training in all aspects of serving food, maintaining good hygiene practices and use of the till will be provided as well as travel expenses and uniform.”

Anyone interested in volunteering at the coffee shops should contact the voluntary services department at voluntaryservices@ulh.nhs.uk or call (01522) 597838.