Five minutes with Pamela Beattie – hospital chaplain

Five minutes with Pamela Beattie – hospital chaplain

Posted on in Announcements


What was the first record you ever bought? Eek the Bay City Rollers Shang A Lang!  But Elvis was the first one my father bought for me.

Who or what inspires you? People’s generosity and kindness.

Name one thing you couldn’t live without? It has to be faith.

How would your friends and colleagues describe you? I asked, this is what I got, “caring, fun and ever so slightly mad!!!

Which three people, living or dead, would you invite to a dinner party and why? Jesus as he turned the water into wine! And I could sit and ask him loads of questions! Ed Sheeran so he could sing to me, and Gerard Butler to escort me!

If you could have any superpower what would it be? The power to heal.

What talent do you wish you had? To be able to play a musical instrument. My brothers both can read music, I wish I could!

Who’s your favourite band? Coldplay.

What is your greatest achievement? I have three, my ordination, being employed as a hospital chaplain and winning a ULHT staff award 2018.

Where is your favourite place in the world? Malta

What’s your favourite book?  Well I love Catherine Cookson books, but there are too many to name.

If you could change one thing about where you work what would it be?  I’m not sure I would change anything.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you take with you? Food, water, and, vain I know, but I would need to take my mascara. You would say the same if you saw me without it ha!

How would you like to be remembered? Fun, friendly kind and caring with a little dash of crazy!