Extraordinary meeting of ULHT Trust Board- Thursday 11 June 2020

An extraordinary meeting of the Trust Board of United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust will be held in public at 10am on Thursday 11June, to discuss temporary service changes in response to the COVID-19 Restore phase.

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An extraordinary meeting of the Trust Board of United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust will be held in public at 10am on Thursday 11June, to discuss temporary service changes in response to the COVID-19 Restore phase.

Papers for this meeting are available here: https://www.ulh.nhs.uk/about/board-meetings/thursday-11-june-2020/

Members of the public are invited to observe the meeting via Microsoft Teams: https://bit.ly/3dHs3ik

Board meetings, whilst held in public, are not public meetings. Public questions are permitted, submitted in advance. For full details on this process please see here: https://www.ulh.nhs.uk/about/board-meetings/