
Here you will find all the latest news of what is happening within United Lincolnshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust as well as our archive of previous press releases.

Big Change poster

First few weeks of exciting Big Changes at Pilgrim hospital

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Our ‘Big Change’ project is now in full flow at Pilgrim Hospital, Boston with a new 12-bed orthopaedic ward, 24 hour Integrated Assessment Centre and new 48 bed Acute Medical Short Stay (AMSS) unit and 54 bed integrated surgical unit up on the third and fifth floors of the main hospital tower block respectively. All are now open for business.

Members newsletter October 2018

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Our monthly newsletters contain the latest news on our membership activities and details of all of up-coming meeting and training dates.

Paediatric services update

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Welcome to the latest briefing on our actions to ensure we continue to provide high quality, safe and integrated children’s and maternity services at Pilgrim Hospital, Boston