
Here you will find all the latest news of what is happening within United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust as well as our archive of previous press releases. Click on the link to contact our Communications Department.

QI Symbol

Our Quality Improvement journey

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Everyone, no matter where they work, has the opportunity to make changes for the better of our patients.

Loop being injected

Heart loop service acting first to prevent strokes

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Innovative work by the Lincolnshire Heart Centre is now helping to save the lives of stroke patients across the county. Communications officer Zoe Leahy spent an afternoon in clinic to see how the first class expertise of the team is being used to prevent patients from having further strokes.

Non medical prescribes

A big well done to new physio non-medical prescribers 

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Congratulations go to David Cann, Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist (Lincoln), and Team Lead Physios MSK, Helen Morris (Grantham) and Munya Tsuro (Pilgrim), who have all successfully completed their non-medical prescribing (NMP) courses.

Staff Award logo

ULHT Staff Awards 2019- announcing the shortlist

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Following an extensive longlisting and shortlisting process, the nominations for this year’s United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust Staff Awards have now been whittled down to the final shortlist.

Members’ newsletter March 2019

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Our monthly newsletters contain the latest news on our membership activities and details of all of up-coming meeting and training dates.