5 minutes with…Lisa Vickers, general manager

5 minutes with…Lisa Vickers, general manager

Posted on in Announcements

What do you like best about your job?

Being privileged enough to be in a position where you have an opportunity to make a difference – being able to design and deliver healthcare which benefits so many patients.

Name one thing you couldn’t live without?

That first cup of tea in the morning.

How would your friends and colleagues describe you?

Calm, creative, kind, hard-working (possibly a workaholic) and someone who will always support them and go the extra mile.

Who had the greatest influence on your career?

Kate Truscott – Kate was my line manager in the very early part of my career and she was always so positive, innovative, forward thinking, and really motivational.

What’s your favourite sport?

Swimming (I used to be a competitive swimmer and then taught swimming for a few years).

What talent do you wish you had?

I wish I could play the piano. I’d love to sit down at the piano in St Pancras Station and play something amazing.

Who’s your favourite band?

I don’t have a favourite band really, I like all kinds of popular music, some 80s music, a bit of classical music, all sorts really.

Where is your favourite place in the world?

Charlotte Amalie harbour in St Thomas – sailing out of there as the sun is setting is such a beautiful experience.

What’s your favourite book?

George Don’t Do That by Joyce Grenfell.  It’s a really endearing tale about young children in nursery school.

If you could change one thing about where you work what would it be?

To simplify things.