Five minutes with Nigel Brasier – ULHT’s 2018 Volunteer of the Year
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Five minutes with Nigel Brasier – ULHT’s 2018 Volunteer of the Year
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Here you will find all the latest news of what is happening within United Lincolnshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust as well as our archive of previous press releases.
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Five minutes with Nigel Brasier – ULHT’s 2018 Volunteer of the Year
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To be able to support our staff and the organisation as a whole, we need to provide opportunities for growth and development. For an organisation as big as ULHT it’s important for all staff, both clinical and non-clinical, to be given the best possible chance to further their career.
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Despite the number of patients visiting our A&Es being significantly higher than expected at all of our sites and a lot higher than the same time last year, performance on ambulance handovers in May was some of the best since early 2017.
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Staff and patients from across Lincolnshire are getting together to celebrate the amazing creation of the NHS 70 years ago this July. On Thursday 5 July, the NHs turns 70. To celebrate this milestone, staff in Lincolnshire’s hospitals will be planning events, sharing their stories of why they love the NHS so much and involving patients in their celebrations.
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World Cup fever has seriously taken hold at Pilgrim hospital, with patients enjoying football festivities on the wards.
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A pioneering new centre to improve health and care in rural areas across the UK is being formally launched in Lincolnshire this week (25 June 2018).