Staff and patients take on the challenge of the first ULHT fit-a-thon
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Hundreds of staff from United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust have taken part in a sponsored fit-a-thon.
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Here you will find all the latest news of what is happening within United Lincolnshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust as well as our archive of previous press releases.
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Hundreds of staff from United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust have taken part in a sponsored fit-a-thon.
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We’re delighted to confirm that we have been successful in securing an additional £26.6 million in capital funds specifically for fire safety improvements across our hospitals throughout 2018/19.
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Hospitals are finding new ways to use specialist staff to reduce waiting times and improve the care of patients.
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Our core learning and appraisal rates continue to rise, but we still have a way to go to ensure all staff have the appraisal they deserve, and make sure that they are up to date on their core learning.
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'Change Wednesday' is a new initiative at ULHT that has been introduced following staff feedback.
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Hospitals are transforming the care they provide to patients at the end of life and their families, with the launch of the Swan scheme across the wards.