New resource launched to improve care for patients with learning disabilities
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A DVD to explain bowel scope screening to patients with learning disabilities has been launched to help those patients who have to undergo the procedure.
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A DVD to explain bowel scope screening to patients with learning disabilities has been launched to help those patients who have to undergo the procedure.
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Dr Suneil Kapadia, Medical Director for United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust said: “The decision to temporarily change the opening hours at Grantham A&E is due to a reduction in the availability of doctors at Lincoln and Boston together with an increase in the demand for emergency care services.
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Why did you let it get this stage? We haven’t rested on our laurels. We have tried to recruit in the UK and internationally, and we have offered premium rates to attract agency doctors whilst investing £4 million in urgent care services. Despite this, we have reached crisis point.
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Today ULHT announces that from Wednesday 17 August, Grantham A&E will be open from 9am to 6:30 pm, 7 days a week. This is to boost the number of doctors in Lincoln and Pilgrim A&Es.
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The news that another Emergency Department is having to close at night due to staffing difficulties is disappointing, yet unsurprising.
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Today United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust has announced that due to a severe shortage of doctors in our three A&Es we are looking at reducing the opening hours of our emergency departments.